
shoot control Learn more about shoot control

  • Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Sand sugar tangerine is an evergreen fruit tree, which has many times of life cycle, long fruit growth period, assimilation and flower bud differentiation in winter.

  • Introduction and control of Spodoptera litura in bamboo shoots

    Introduction and control of Spodoptera litura in bamboo shoots

    Bamboo shoots have been regarded as treasures of dishes in China since ancient times. Bamboo shoots are a traditional Chinese delicacy with a crispy taste and a long history of eating and cultivation. In the Book of songs, there are poems such as adding beans, bamboo shoots, fish fish, its sounds, bamboo shoots and cattails, indicating that people eat bamboo.

    2020-11-08 Bamboo shoots insect pests night moths introduction and control bamboo shoots in
  • The latest course on shoot control techniques and methods of litchi

    The latest course on shoot control techniques and methods of litchi

    Litchi shoot control and flower promotion is a very important management work when planting litchi. The quality of control will directly affect the flower and fruit quantity of litchi trees in the second year. Therefore, we must pay attention to control the shoot control time of litchi and do a good job of shoot control of litchi. General

    2020-11-10 The latest litchi shoot control techniques methods tutorials
  • Shoot Control techniques of Litchi

    Shoot Control techniques of Litchi

    Shoot Control techniques of Litchi

  • Management of Litchi in August and September

    Management of Litchi in August and September

    All the postharvest management work of litchi is centered on the purpose of cultivating healthy autumn shoots. As the fruiting mother shoot of litchi in the coming year, the shoot period and the stout degree (nutrient accumulation level) will directly affect the shoot control, flower promotion and flower formation. From the production survey situation, at present, the city's litchi trees have generally been smoked...

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of planting Lemon Young trees

    High-yield cultivation techniques of planting Lemon Young trees

    In the countries and regions that produce citrus in the world, many countries and regions cultivate lemons. Lemon is a kind of citrus widely welcomed by consumers. It is rich in nutrition, rich in citric acid, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin P and other vitamins.

    2020-11-08 Species lemon young trees high yield cultivation skills global production citrus
  • Measures of controlling shoot and promoting flower in longan

    Measures of controlling shoot and promoting flower in longan

    Measures of controlling shoot and promoting flower in longan

  • What is the control method of shoot blight of Larix principis-rupprechtii?

    What is the control method of shoot blight of Larix principis-rupprechtii?

    Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight is a serious disease in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest and one of the forestry quarantine pests in China, so what is the control method of Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight? 1. Symptoms of Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight the disease only occurred in the new year.

    2020-11-09 North China Larix gmelinii withered shoot disease control method what is it
  • How to manage red meat honey pomelo in summer?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in summer?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in summer? What is the main need to manage? Netizens are also asked to help guide that summer is the period of hairy roots, long summer shoots, young fruits and fruit expansion of red flesh honey pomelo, which is an important period for fertilization throughout the year and a key period for the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. The farming network sorted out the detailed management of red meat honey pomelo in summer.

  • Key points for attention in the planting of bamboo shoots

    Key points for attention in the planting of bamboo shoots

    Key points for attention in the planting of bamboo shoots

  • Control methods of canker of Wo Citrus

    Control methods of canker of Wo Citrus

    Canker is one of the most common diseases of mandarin. To damage young leaves and immature fruits, it will usually lead to fallen leaves, fruit, and even withered shoots, reducing the tree potential. So what are the prevention and control methods of fertile orange canker? In fact, there are three main types of methods, namely

    2020-11-09 Fertile mandarin canker control methods yes mandarin the most
  • What diseases and insect pests need to be controlled in planting bamboo shoots?

    What diseases and insect pests need to be controlled in planting bamboo shoots?

    What diseases and insect pests need to be controlled in planting bamboo shoots? Please introduce the control methods for planting bamboo shoot diseases and insect pests as follows: 1. Pest control: the main pests of bamboo shoots are aphids and bamboo borer. Aphids occur more than ten generations a year, and generations overlap. July-September is the peak period, often clustered in tender.

  • Key points for attention in the planting of the latest bamboo shoots

    Key points for attention in the planting of the latest bamboo shoots

    Bamboo shoots are the buds of bamboo and perennial gramine. the edible parts of bamboo shoots are mainly primary buds, which are widely distributed in our country and have strong adaptability. As the taste and taste of bamboo shoots are loved by many people, they have also been planted in our country.

    2020-11-10 The latest bamboo shoots planting attention key points yes bamboo
  • High-yielding cultivation of Dianthus chinensis

    High-yielding cultivation of Dianthus chinensis

    Bamboo shoot is a kind of natural green food with excellent quality, fragrance and crispness, rich in many amino acids needed by human body; bamboo shoot is a kind of excellent bamboo shoot and bamboo dual-purpose scattered bamboo seed with thick wall and rich elasticity, which is a good material for building frame, making paper, making furniture and processing other articles with high comprehensive utilization benefit. However, the existing bamboo stands are in a state of wildness and tube loss for a long time, only sterile is taken, only harvest is ignored, the bamboo stand structure is unreasonable, the yield is not high, and the economic benefit is low. For this reason, the paper briefly introduces its high-yield cultivation techniques for reference. 1

  • Cultivation and management techniques of young litchi fruit trees

    Cultivation and management techniques of young litchi fruit trees

    Litchi belongs to the disease-free family, which is native to China and is one of the four famous fruits in southern China. It has been cultivated for more than 2000 years. Based on the experience of litchi cultivation techniques, the growth characteristics of young litchi trees are summarized as follows: (1) low branch stage; (2) large shoot growth; (3) exuberant root growth; (4) flowering.

  • Control techniques of pedicle borer in litchi

    Control techniques of pedicle borer in litchi

    Litchi fruit borer is the main pest of longan and litchi. The young shoot, flower ear and fruit were damaged by larva decay, the fruit fell seriously in the young fruit stage, was damaged in the mature stage, the fruit stem was full of insect dung, affected the quality, the tender shoot and flower ear were damaged, the apex withered, affected the growth of new shoots and blossomed and fruited in the following year. The insect occurred in southern Fujian.

  • Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Litchi fruit borer is the main pest of longan and litchi. The young shoot, flower ear and fruit were damaged by larva decay, the fruit fell seriously in the young fruit stage, was damaged in the mature stage, the fruit stem was full of insect dung, affected the quality, the tender shoot and flower ear were damaged, the apex withered, affected the growth of new shoots and blossomed and fruited in the following year. The insect occurred in southern Fujian.

  • Many factors causing inferior asparagus how to prevent and cure inferior white asparagus

    Many factors causing inferior asparagus how to prevent and cure inferior white asparagus

    Many factors causing inferior asparagus how to prevent and cure inferior white asparagus

  • Technical points of integrated control of diseases and insect pests of Shatian pomelo

    Technical points of integrated control of diseases and insect pests of Shatian pomelo

    It is understood that since the 1980s, large-scale Shatian pomelo planting bases have been established in various parts of Meizhou, and the economic benefits have been increasing. Many farmers in the practice of planting Shatian pomelo for many years, the cultivation techniques have been greatly improved, but due to the large area, a wide variety of diseases and insect pests, the new occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

  • Removing Mulberry Flowers and Mulberry fruits to Control Mulberry shoot Breaking Disease

    Removing Mulberry Flowers and Mulberry fruits to Control Mulberry shoot Breaking Disease

    Mulberry shoot-breaking disease, also known as branch-breaking disease, white mulberry disease. Shoot-breaking disease is a widely prevalent mulberry disease in recent years. It is a disease caused by the pathogen of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to infect new shoots through the stalk of morula, causing the base of new shoots to rot and break. The disease is characterized by the disease of mulberry trees with long female mulberry flowers or androgynous flowers.
